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发布于:2018-04-03 01:22 185 人围观+去吐槽



  女主角:罗伦.荷莉(Lauren Holly)

  网络上此剧的信息很少。 Picket Fences deals with life in a small town – in this case the town of Rome, Wisconsin; it centres around the Brock Family. Jimmy Brock is the Sheriff of the town and likes to think he’s the centre of attention. His wife Jill is the town doctor; they have three children: Kimberly, 18, Matthew, 13 and Zachary, 10. A lot happens in this small town from bizarre murders to rape, assault, drunk driving, kidnapping & spontaneous human combustion. It seems that all the crimes that have occurred in the whole of the United States have at one point or another happened in Rome and they have to deal with it in their own quirky way.



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